Royal Carcase Success

Both Perth and Melbourne Royal Shows saw Angus and Angus Influenced genetics have success across their hoof and hook competitions.
The live judging at Perth saw a 441kg Limousin – Angus cross steer exhibited by Murdoch University, named Grand Champion after taking out the medium weight category.
In the lightweight section the University exhibited a a 383kg Limousin-Angus heifer for the Champion.
Reserve champion in the extra heavyweight category went to the WA College of Agriculture, Denmark, with a 548kg Limousin-Angus.
Murdoch University also had success in the carcase competition, winning the Grand Champion Carcase with their heavy weight carcase champion, a510kg live weight Limousin-Angus cross steer. The carcase dressed at 59.4% with rib of 100mm and P8 of 7mm and the equal biggest eye muscle area of 103 cmsq.
Murdoch were also successful in mediumweight carcase category with another Limousin-Angus cross steer being named Champion and in the extra heavy weight section, they won Champion and Reserve Champion carcase with Limousine-Angus cross steers.
In the Melbourne Led Steer and Carcase Competition, Gundagai High School exhibited an Angus steer to take out the Reserve Champion School Steer.
While in the Borthwick Trophy for a Team of 3 purebred steers, the Angus team, all exhibited by the Gundagai High School were placed second.
Feature Image: The steer prepared by Murdoch University that went on to win Grand Champion Carcase at Perth. Image: Farm Weekly.