Ruby taking off to Darwin for LIVEXchange

With a theme of ‘From here to there together: strengthening our foundations and creating connections’, where better for a young member of the beef industry to develop their skills than the upcoming LIVEXchange Conference. Angus Australia is pleased to announce that Dunkeld producer Ruby Canning has been selected for the Angus Foundation LIVEXchange Conference Scholarship, which will see her take off to Darwin on November 9 -10th, 2022.
LIVEXchange is a major event for Australia’s livestock industry, held bi-annually by LiveCorp and Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC) LIVEXchange Conference.
The conference focuses on sharing information and insight into the livestock export trade, breaking down knowledge barriers, being open about industry challenges and demonstrating industry’s commitment and ongoing effort to improve animal welfare in supply chains.
Angus Australia Extension Manger Jake Phillips congratulates Ruby on her successful selection for the scholarship opportunity.
“Throughout the selection process Ruby displayed that she was eager to learn more specifically about the live export industry in Australia and broaden her personal development through this opportunity.
“With the aim of scholarship increase the recipient’s knowledge of the Live Export industry and the beef industry as a whole and give them the opportunity to network with industry professionals while developing the personal skills, I believe Ruby is an excellent candidate and will take as much as she can from the various presentations throughout the event.”
Ruby will be joined at the conference with 2021 scholarship recipients Lori Fogarty and Lochie McLauchlan who will be attending this year’s conference following the cancellation of the 2021 event.
About Ruby:
Ruby Canning the owner of Mavstar Photography; a rural photography business specialising in livestock & rural family photography. She graduated from the University of New England with a degree in Business (Marketing major), and is currently based in Dunkeld, Victoria. Along with her family she owns & operates Mavstar Simmentals, incorporating Angus & Salers genetics into their commercial breeding program. Annually they sell steers at the local southern weaner sales. Ruby is also a member of the Angus Youth Consultative Committee which provides consultation and representation on behalf of Angus Youth members, and assists in providing ideas for youth focused educational and extension activities for consideration within the Angus Australia Marketing, Communications & Youth Operational Plan.
The live export industry has always been an interest of Ruby’s, having had previous experience working at quarantine facilities in Victoria. Ruby is looking forward to expanding on her knowledge of the northern live export industry, whilst networking with key stakeholders of the industry. She endeavours to continue growing collaborative relationships between Angus Youth and the Young Live Export Network and believes the export industry provides many opportunities for the Australian agricultural industry, and there are many common visions and values shared between YLEN & Angus Youth Australia.