Spring Bull night is coming

Do not miss out on the opportunity to hear about the latest offering of A.I. Angus sires and the proven performers, which could take your herd to the next level. 



The 2022 Spring Bull Night will take place Wednesday August 24
th from 7pm AEST, with Angus Australia once again hosting this event not to be missed by anyone considering Angus for their spring A.I. program. 

The event channels the bull nights of the past and provides Angus breeders a showcase of the latest release A.I. sires and will be hosted via Angus Australia YouTube and Facebook channels.

Eight organisations with current semen catalogues listed with Angus Australia will be presenting their offerings:  

  • World Wide Sires  
  • ABS
  • Genetics Australia 
  • Alta Genetics  
  • Breeder Genetics  
  • Agri-Gene
  • Semex
  • Glatz Black Angus 

For further information please contact Angus Australia Extension Manager Jake Phillips at jake.phillips@angusaustralia.com.au.   

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