Successful 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders announced

Angus Youth and Australia’s specialist farm insurer, Achmea Australia, are pleased to announce the successful applicants for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program. 

Now in its fourth year, the industry alliance between Angus Australia and specialist farm insurer Achmea Australia provides an exciting opportunity for the next generation to fast-track their leadership in the beef industry.  

The successful 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program participants

  • Alexis Gandy, Diamond Tree, Western Australia 
  • Ben Lucas, Book Book, New South Wales 
  • Bridget Watson, Coonalpyn, South Australia 
  • Cara Fagan, Coonamble, New South Wales 
  • Damon Englund, Upper Stowport, Tasmania  
  • Emily Read, Coonabarabran, New South Wales 
  • Peter Colliver, Meningie, South Australia 
  • Jack Laurie, Moppy, New South Wales 
  • Jarrod Koch, Barrabool, Victoria 

In addition to the nine successful GenAngus applicants from Australia, Angus New Zealand (AngusNZ) has sponsored the following three young New Zealand Angus leaders to participate in the 2022 GenAngus Program: Nancy Crawshaw, George Giddings and George Philip. 

The successful 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders will attend an intensive three-day workshop in Adelaide from 1-3 June with industry professionals to help them start their own business in the beef industry or take that next step in their existing business. 

Since its inception in 2018, the joint Angus Australia and Achmea Australia GenAngus Future Leaders Program has supported more than 30 young members of the beef industry who will all come together on 31 May 2022 at a special networking event to kick off the 2022 GenAngus program. 

Angus Australia’s Extension Manager, Jake Phillips looks forward to working with the successful 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders.  

“We have been pleased with the high calibre of applicants for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders program, which is a strong endorsement that the program is gaining momentum as being a flagship program for the beef industry more broadly,” Jake said.  

“The successful applicants represent a great cross-section of the Angus community with several states represented and individuals in various stages of life and business,” he said. 

“It is clear there is a thirst for knowledge and information from the applicants in regard to being the best beef industry leaders they can be. To think the alliance between Achmea Australia and Angus Australia is acting as the catalyst in their journey to success is extremely satisfying for all involved.” 

Achmea Australia National Strategic Alliance Manager Richard Officer congratulates the young beef industry leaders on their successful nomination for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program. 

“Applications for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program came in from across Australia and this is, without a doubt, the most diverse group we have had to date,” Richard said. 

“Through our co-operative values and commitment to live sustainably together, Achmea Australia is proud to support the development of future leaders in the beef industry,” he said.  

“By supporting the next generation of beef industry leaders today, we hope to inspire a bright future for the agricultural sector as a whole,” Richard said.  


The 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program Participants 

Alexis Gandy  

Alexis Gandy, Diamond Tree, WA, is co-owner of Gandy Angus, a seedstock operation offering bulls at auction annually, which she has run for 15 years.   

Alexis has the goal for the business to be selling 100 bulls at auction and 50 privately a year, along with surplus females.  Alexis has the ambition for their business to be recognised as one of the very best offering a quality product and service.  Alexis looks forward to the GenAngus Future Leaders Program and the opportunity to continue to improve and grow her business and learn more about the opportunities in the industry and new skills. 

Ben Lucas  

Ben Lucas, Book Book, NSW, has a background of over 10 years’ experience working on his family farm where they run approximately 1,000 breeding Angus stock.  Since 2020, he has operated Baylen Angus and in their first year the original focus of this business is to breed commercial bulls for the everyday farmer using an AI program, so the genetics of the sire were known, and certain breeding traits could be used within the herd. Brad looks forward to GenAngus for the chance to be able to connect and network with other people who are already doing what he would like to achieve in the beef industry.  He also looks forward to being able to learn more about genetics and improving the herd, which will assist him in choosing sires for breeding programs and learning how to market his business. 

Bridget Watson  

Bridget Watson, Coonalpyn, SA, and her family started a commercial herd in 2012 and recently began a seedstock enterprise, where they are developing their stud herd with the aim to host their first bull sale in 2023.  In the coming years, Bridget and her family have the goal for this business to build a herd with a wide customer base selling up to 50-60 good quality structured bulls. 

In order to achieve this, Bridget would like to develop her marketing, PR, genetic and financial skills and looks to utilise her time in the GenAngus Program to help her learn in this new route of business. 

Cara Fagan  

Cara Fagan, Coonamble, NSW, has been involved in the beef industry from a young age through her family farming enterprise.  Since finishing school, Cara has been involved in the breeding programs, bull selection and all aspects of animal husbandry and management. Cara studied Agribusiness at Marcus Oldham, completing her degree in 2020.  Cara and her mother are currently in the early stages of working toward establishing their own seedstock and grass-fed beef enterprise, with the aim to have an established seedstock herd that has comprehensive performance recording and looking to sell bulls in the next few years. They also aim to have an established relationship with a meat processor that provides consistently high-quality grass-fed beef and a team of staff members whose own skills and goals are fostered in a safe and positive work environment.  

Damon Englund 

Damon Englund, Upper Stowport, TAS, is director of Deep Creek Cattle Services Pty Ltd, and also runs a small Angus stud DC Angus.  In its sixth year, Deep Creek Cattle Services is an Artificial Breeding service providing beef producers with genetic gain. Damon and his partner also own and run a small farm buying weaned Angus heifers from clients or weaner sales to develop into PTIC heifers to be sold on Auctions Plus annually.  Following a recommendation to attend the GenAngus Future Leaders Program by his peers, Damon is interested in all topics covered in the workshop as this will hopefully help him achieve goals and longevity within the beef industry. 


Emily Read  

Emily Read, Coonabarabran, NSW, grew up working and contributing to her family cattle operation in the Coonabarabran region.  She returned to the business officially in 2018 and has since began growing her own herd with her husband, breeding commercial Angus cattle.  Emily’s aim for the future of their business is to market it and take it to the next level, with the goal in five years to have a well-recognised name, and to have expanded their market and retail options.  Emily applied to the GenAngus workshop to gain some marketing tips and be inspired by leaders in the industry and to have the opportunity to network with peers and learn about their future in the beef industry. 

Peter Colliver  

Peter Colliver, Meningie, SA, currently works as Stud Manager of Stoney Point Performance Angus.  Peter has been involved in the beef industry from the age of 16, when he started a small South Devon Stud that he developed over 10 years.  He also studied and obtained an advanced diploma in Agriculture and completed 21 months exchange with IAEA in Canada and Denmark.  Peter applied to the GenAngus Future Leaders Program to broaden his knowledge and improve his networking skills, as well as utilising it as an advantages workshop for future job prospects. 

Jack Laurie  

Jack Laurie, Moppy, NSW, is the owner of Breeder Genetics, a genetics company focusing on the selling of semen. It is a breeder-to-breeder platform providing a marketplace for all beef producers.  Within the next five years, Jack hopes to see Breeder Genetics develop and supply more genetic services, along with the hiring of more staff and growing capital within wider supply chain sectors, along with growing their domestic customer base and eventually the international customer base.  Wanting to develop his leadership and team management skills as well as gaining financial advice and a better understanding of market drivers and trends, Jack looks forward to the networking and speakers in store at GenAngus. 

Jarrod Koch  

Jarrod Koch, Barrabool, VIC, has been co-director and owner of Longview Agriculture for approximately five years.  Together with his wife, he runs an Angus and Simmental stud and commercial beef operation, including Angus breeders and grass fattening Angus steers across two properties in southwest VIC, whilst also consulting and contracting to the livestock industry through livestock sales across saleyards and on-farm sales. With plans to expand and diversify their current business in the coming years, Jarrod looks to utilise GenAngus for further opportunity development as he looks to take the next steps within his business. Jarrod will also use the network with other young leaders in the industry with a willingness to share, be open in discussions and honest about their experiences, strengths and weaknesses. 

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