The Angus Influence strong at Beef Australia 2021

Despite turning the event around within six months after making the call to forge ahead, Beef Australia 2021 reached new heights with a record crowd of 115,866 people passing through the gates and nearly 5,000 head of cattle competing across the competitions. Angus Australia and many of its’ members took full advantage of the promotional opportunities on offer at an event that is considered the pinnacle of beef expositions in Australia. 



While the Angus Australia trade display was the main focal point for the society, there was ample opportunity for attendees to view Angus genetics, with Angus studs hosting trade displays and multiple studs exhibiting in the show ring and to taste Angus beef at the Beef Symposium and during the Celebrity Chef Restaurant. 

Partnering with Macka’s Australian Back Angus Beef, a Verified Angus Beef Brand, to sponsor the Beef Symposium, guests at the event were treated to Pastrami Quiche, Roast Beef Rolls, Thai Beef Salad and Spiced Beef with cous cous. 

Angus Beef also featured as part of the Celebrity Chef Restaurant with Angus Reserve, a Verified Black Angus Beef brand from NH Foods featuring during a lunch time session and prepared by NH Foods Brand Ambassador, Fast Ed, Halmagyi. Guests at this lunch were treated to a Terrine of Angus Reserve Oxtail. 

As a sponsor of Beef Australia, Angus Australia hosted a seminar on the ‘The Angus Influence – from performance to profit’. 140 delegates were firstly taken through the drivers of profit in a beef herd and then provided with the opportunity to hear from three producers from both northern and southern Australia that utilise Angus genetics in their herds. These producers gave attendees an insight into what drives performance and profit in their herds, as well as the reasons behind why Angus genetics form such a large part of their operations. 

The seminar featured: Ian Mclean, Bush Agri Business; Sam Crowther, Harrow Grazing in the Arcadia Valley, Qld; Robert Mckenzie, Macka’s Pastoral, Gloucester NSW and Ben McGlynn, Ben McGlynn Rocklands Station – Paraway Pastoral Barkly Tablelands, Qld.

Angus Australia’s Northern Development Officer Jen Peart, hailed the seminar a success that highlighted the use of Angus genetics in some very challenging and varied environments, while providing attendees with an insight in-to what drives profit.

The main take home messages from, Ian Mclean, were that, ‘The top performers have: more productive herds that are more efficient at turning grass into beef; Target herd expenditure more effectively; Use labour more effectively; and generally have more operating scale; fertility should always be number 1 to achieve greater performance as it has the best impact on the bottom line, and it is important to make informed decisions based on the good data that is available to you’. 

While for the three producer panellists, Sam Crowther, Robert McKenzie and Ben McGlynn it was clear that Angus genetics drive profit in their herds and that the use of available technologies, such as EBVs and genomics play a big part in their selection processes and that adaptation is required to remain at the forefront of the beef industry. 

In summing up the seminar session, Angus Australia’s President, Sam White highlighted that the production systems presented showed, ‘Experience, versatility, resilience and passion, with sound business systems in place.’

The Angus judging at Beef Australia was an excellent showcase of Angus cattle, with approximately 60 entries coming together from both Queensland and New South Wales with Judge Matt McCamley officiating around the ring. 

The big wins of the day came to K5X Angus and Hillview Angus who took out the top honours, with Grand Champion Female and Grand Champion Male respectively. 

Taking out grand champion male was Hillview Quigley Q18, exhibited by the Bungendore stud, NSW.  Weighing in at 1222kg on the day at 25 months of age and scanning 143cm, Hillview repeated what he achieved at both Sydney and Canberra Royal in beating out his fellow male champions. 

The top female of the day was K5X Wilcoola N106, who presented with her two calves at foot, took out her class of cow 36 months and under 48 months. Mr McCamley remarked, “She is a very long cow, still full of volume and still showing extremely well.  She has got a lot of beef and meat quality still to her and is doing on the job on her two really good calves.” 

To see the full Angus judging results CLICK HERE

In the ANZ National Beef Carcase competition, Angus cattle outperformed the competition when it comes to carcase quality, with Angus entries taking out both MSA Index Awards.

The MSA Index Award for individual carcase with the highest MSA Index from classes 1-7, went to an Angus carcase exhibited by Barry Hollonds, Sale VIC with a 68.95 MSA Index. While the Award for pen of 3 carcases with the highest total MSA Indexes from classes 1-7, was awarded to Baringa Pastoral Company Pty Ltd, Walcha NSW for a pen of 3 Angus carcases.

The Angus Foundation supported young Angus enthusiasts with the opportunity to attend Beef Australia 2021 through the awarding of three scholarships.

Angus Australia members Georgia Laurie, Damien Thomson and Jock McGregor were awarded these scholarships and spent an amazing week in Rockhampton learning everything there is to know about the beef industry.

Overall Beef Australia 2021 was the perfect promotion stage for Angus Australia and its members and ensured that the message continued to be communicated to the beef industry about the advantages that Angus can offer to any production system, be it purebred or cross bred and how the incorporation of Angus genetics into these systems can not only improve meat quality, but provide a premium.

‘Angus Australia and its members had a significant presence at Beef Australia 2021 and it is pleasing to see that the interest in Angus and Angus Influenced cattle continues to grow at each event and in particular growth in interest from northern beef producers’, said Angus Australia CEO Peter Parnell.

‘The members and partners present at Beef Australia 2021 provided the perfect complement to the Angus Australia trade stand, providing attendees with the opportunity to talk first hand with Angus breeders and also inspect the Angus cattle on display.’ 


Keep reading eNews over the coming weeks to see the full wrap up of all the Angus Australia activities at Beef Australia 2021. 



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