The Neogen Angus Foundation Production Tour is officially underway!

The inaugural Neogen Angus Foundation Production Tour is officially underway, with eight young members of the beef industry making their way around the south-eastern corner of Queensland, investigating paddock to plate production in the region.

Alkira Riley, Charlie Wrigley, Georgia Graham, Tom Pumpa, Tyla Sparks, Sarah Nesbitt, Cooper Walsh and John Barnett have come together from around the country to take part in the tour, which looks to provide the participants that may not have yet had the chance to see firsthand the beef supply chain in this region an opportunity to gain a greater insight and appreciation of Angus cattle in the South-East Queensland environment. For further information regarding the participants CLICK HERE.

Over the next three days, the tour will travel to a number of businesses representing various stops on the supply chain starting today with a tour of the Neogen Australasia Head Office and Lab, Bundamba, and trip on farm visiting Jim and Jackie Wedge of Ascot Cattle, Warwick.

Following this, the group will move around the region visiting Dunmore Pastoral, Cecil Plains, the Stockyard team at Kerwee Feedlot, will take in the processing sector at Oakey Beef Exports Abattoir, Oakey, and get a break down MSA grading with Meat and Livestock Australia. The tour will conclude with a visit to Super Butcher Eagle Farm.

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for the reports from each of the participants regarding their experience on the Production Tour.

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