Top 10 articles – a Year in review 2023

It has been a year that one can only describe as having its up and downs across Australia and New Zealand, but as we draw closer to the end of the year, it is very timely to reflect on the top stories coming out of Angus Australia.
Here are the top 10 stories (2 stories on equal viewing) as judged by reader traffic on the website.
Angus Australia has recently conducted a review of the most widely used sires in the last 2 years.
The 2023 Spring Bull Night will take place Wednesday August 23rd from 7pm AEST, with Angus Australia once again hosting this event not to be missed by anyone considering Angus for their spring A.I. program.
The World Angus Forum is coming to Brisbane, Australia on the 7th – 8th May 2025!
Cattle breeders, Angus enthusiasts, and beef industry professionals from every corner of the globe are invited to converge in Australia for this extraordinary event.
The Angus Foundation and Neogen Australasia are proud to present the inaugural Neogen Angus Foundation Production Tour. The tour starts in Brisbane and over 3 days will take a deep dive into beef production in the region.
The ‘Beyond the Beef’ Zoetis Angus National Conference, provided the perfect backdrop for the launch of the new five-year strategic plan and refreshed Angus Australia branding.
Angus Australia and specialist agricultural insurer Achmea Australia today announced the successful applicants for the 2023 GenAngus Future Leaders Program (GenAngus).
Now in its fifth year, GenAngus is the flagship program of the industry alliance between Angus Australia and Achmea Australia. The program brings together the next generation of agricultural leaders to gain business skills and knowledge to help them start their own beef cattle business or further advance their existing business.
It is time to nominate Angus bulls for the next round of the Angus Sire Benchmarking program (ASBP) to produce the Cohort 14 progeny.
Following the success of the launch for the Angus Foundation Industry Cadetship Program in 2022, Angus Australia is pleased to announce that applications are now open for Angus Youth members for three separate cadetship opportunities.
A new national all breeds record for a bull sold at auction was broken last week when Texas Thunderstruck T383 was knocked down for $360,000 at the Texas Angus Bull Sale.
The 2024 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup to be held in Tamworth from 10 – 14 January 2024, would not be possible without the support of its many partners to assist in conducting this significant event that delivers a unique learning environment for the Youth of the Australian Beef Industry.