Updated EBVs Available – December 2021

Angus Australia wishes to advise that the December 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation has been completed and updated EBVs are now available.

With relation to the recent analysis, a number of enhancements have been implemented as part of the annual updating of the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation analytical software.

New Selection Indexes: Following the completion of a comprehensive industry consultation process during 2021, new selection indexes have been introduced, replacing the Angus Breeding, Domestic, Heavy Grain and Heavy Grass selection indexes which have been published since 2014. For further information about the new selection indexes, click here.

New EPDs: a revised set of EPDs have been included for imported American and Canadian Black and Canadian Red Angus animals. The inclusion of updated EPDs has resulted in changes to the EBVs for some imported animals, and their relative

Maintenance of genomics pipeline: Several elements of the pipeline by which genomic information is incorporated into the calculation of EBVs have been updated, including a) re-estimation of the reference haplotype library that is used when converting (imputing) the raw genotypes from different genotyping platforms into a standard set of SNPs for use in the genetic evaluation; b) updating of the SNPs that are used in the genetic evaluation to include additional SNPs from the latest genotyping platforms; and c) re-estimation of the allele frequencies that are used in some of the quality assurance checks that are applied to genotypes prior to inclusion in the genetic evaluation. The updating of these elements have resulted in minor changes in EBVs and EBV accuracies, however are important in maintaining the genetic evaluation software.

With the completion of the December 2021 analysis, the following reports are available to download from the “Files to Download” section of the Member Login area on the Angus Australia website. If you do not have access to the Member Login area or have forgotten your password please contact Angus Australia.

  • Herd EBV Report
  • Exclusions Report
  • Genetic Benchmarking Report
  • Angus DataCHECK Report
  • EBV_EXTENDED csv file

Updated EBVs are also available from the Angus Database Search.

Please note the upcoming TACE submission deadlines:

Mid December Analysis:
Submission Deadline – Animal Registration & Structural Scores: November 18
Submission Deadline – Performance Data: November 25
Results Available (Indicative): December 11

January Analysis:
Submission Deadline – Animal Registration & Structural Scores: December 2
Submission Deadline – Performance Data: December 9
Results Available (Indicative): December 24

Please contact Angus Australia if you have any questions regarding these submission deadlines.





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