Angus Youth Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of the revised Angus Youth Consultative Committee.
Working with current committee chair Murk Schoen the new members include, Monique Estrada, Ruby Canning, Jack Laurie, Samuel Finlayson and Rebecca George, whom will work alongside the Angus Australia Youth Development Officer to provide consultation and representation on behalf of Angus Youth members, and assist in providing ideas for youth focused educational and extension activities for consideration within the Angus Australia Marketing, Communications & Youth Operational Plan.
The newly instated committee will continue the hard work of the outgoing committee members Laura Grubb, Hannah Powe and James Knight.
Angus Australia Youth Development Officer Candice Liddle looks forward to collaborating with the new committee in order to continue to progress the Angus Youth program with their guidance and support.
“The most important part of the Angus Youth program is ensuring that the young members of the beef industry are afforded the best resources and opportunities to broaden their knowledge and understanding within the industry,” Mrs Liddle said.
“Through their roles as members of the Angus Youth Consultative Committee, each new committee member will work as a representative for the wider Angus Youth committee to ensure that decisions made are within the best interest and for the development of each person involved in the program.
“I really look forward to working with Monique, Ruby, Jack, Sam and Becca to continue the work of their predecessors, and also greatly acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the outgoing committee whom I had the pleasure of working with.”
Learn more about the Angus Youth Consultative Committee members: