What a heck of a year for Angus bull sales!

What a way to end the 2021 bull sale season with some quality sale statistics, an outstanding season and those we hold nearly and dearly.

Another year of slashing past records and rewriting new ones for the Angus breed has been at the forefront of most media publications this year, sharing the headlines with the good old COVID-19 once again.

But what COVID-19? It most certainly didn’t upset the saleyard and bull sale results this year! With the numbers climbing it was predicted to be a good year for the Angus market and it surely did not disappoint.

And who doesn’t love a good statistic either, below is a brief Summary By Year Stats for Angus Bulls Sold at Auction, if you’d like to see the full Bull Sale Statistics you can see them here.

Western Australia

Total Sales: 26
Bulls Sold: 873
Top Price: $30,000
Top Bull: Coonamble Q24 PV – WDCQ24
Top Average: $13,422 – Coonamble Angus
Overall Average: $9,067

They say West is best, and that’s what seems to be coming out of WA at the moment, bulls that are ticking all the right boxes. An increase in the overall average once again of a whopping 39% from last years’ overall average of $6,520, however there was a tough benchmark set again this year by Coonamble Angus with their on-property bull sale held in February. A successful sale once again for Coonamble, 102 bulls selling to generate a sale average of $13,422 and selling the state’s top priced bull sired by the famous Sitz Investment 660ZPV for $30,000 was Coonamble Q24PV (WDCQ24), which has been said to be the highest priced bull sold this year in WA. Making this exciting purchase was the Bairstow family, Arizona Farms, Lake Grace.

The good fortune didn’t stop there for Coonamble, selling Coonamble Q502PV (WDCQ502) to the Walker family, Coonac Angus, Wilga, for $26,000, making this purchase the second highest priced bull sold in WA.

The second highest average was Black Tara Angus at the annual Gingin Bull Sale in March, where 12 bulls sold for an average of $13,417.

Buyers Karen, Noel and Luke Bairstow, Arizona Farms, Lake Grace, Coonamble Angus stud co-principal Craig Davis and Nutrien Livestock Great Southern livestock manager Bob Pumphrey with the $30,000 top-priced bull at the annual Coonamble on-property bull sale. Image Farm Weekly,


Total Sales: 40
Bulls Sold: 2,337
Top Price: $130,000
Top Bull: Lawsons Rocky R4010 SV – VLYR4010
Top Average: $16,718 – Banquet Angus
Overall Average: $10,168

Outstanding results coming out of Victoria this year, the sales were up, bulls sold up, top price up and averages up! Things couldn’t be better for the studs when sales are reaching overall averages of $10,159, that’s an increase of 32%! It’s no wonder bulls like Lawsons Rocky Road R4010SV (VLYR4010) are topping at a price of $130,000, currently an Australian record for a yearling bull.

Sold at Lawsons Spring NSW & VIC sale in September, Lawsons Rocky Road R4010SV was snavelled up in a syndicate consisting of Gilmandyke Angus, Dunoon Angus, Kelly Angus and Knowla Angus. Delighted with the syndicate purchase, James Laurie of Knowla Angus said, “He is a unique individual – when you look at the data, most bulls need to be protected for something, but he doesn’t need protecting, he is really strong across the board.” Peter McNamara stud manager of Gilmandyke Angus also commented saying Rocky R4010 combines good phenotype, thickness, important calving ease and carcase traits, which will help them maintain structure while improving their genetic progress with positive carcase data.

Another sale later in the season proved to be fruitful when Alpine Angus smashed their own 10 year record selling Alpine Main Event R144PV (CGKR144) for $75,000. Purchasers Peter Collins, Merridale Angus and Luke Crawford, Crawford Angus have described him as a “beautiful all-rounder”.

The sale of Lawsons Rocky Road R4010SV has ranked him as the 4th Top Priced bull and Alpine Main Event R144PV coming in as the 9th Top Priced bull sold this year.

Looking at the averages across the state, the highest average recorded for Victoria was Banquet Angus at their September bull sale, 39 bulls sold to an average of $16,718, there was a 9% increase in this result compared to their 2020 sale. The second highest average was also achieved at Alpine’s September bull sale, selling 58 bulls to make their sale average $16,683, just a couple of bucks shy of Banquets result.

Lawsons Rocky Road R4010SV was the top price bull in Victoria for the year


Total Sales: 8
Bulls Sold: 560
Top Price: $36,000
Top Bull: Landfall New Ground Q494SV – TFAQ494
Top Average: $13,544 – Landfall Angus
Overall Average: $10,931

I know I keep saying this, but it’s definitely a year of high averages, and Tasmania is yet again proving that the bulls down south can get those punchy numbers.

Landfall has certainly put their stamp on the market in Tassie, securing another top priced bull for the state. Landfall New Ground Q494SV (TFAQ494) sold under the hammer for $36,000, selling to a syndicate sale consisting of Weeran Angus, Mandayen Angus and Bull Oak Well Angus. Being their Autumn bull sale, Landfalls average for their 180 bulls sold was at $11,583 (second highest in TAS), up about $2,000 on last years sale.

Keeping the trend going, Landfall’s Spring Bull sale also produced a perfect sale result to round off the year. Securing the second highest price bull sold, when Landfall New Ground R1294SV (TFAR1294) was secured by Denis Bassett, Bacala Angus. Selling for a top of $26,000, Mr Bassett, a returned buyer, said “I’ve had five bulls from Landfall over the last 20 years and this bull was probably the best of the yearling bulls in the draft at the sale, he has a very good shape”. The average for the sale was also bettered, selling a total of 169 bulls and an average of $13,544, making this the highest average for Tasmania in 2021.

Landfall New Ground Q494SV was the top Price In Tasmania For 2021

South Australia

Total Sales: 14
Bulls Sold: 730
Top Price: $36,000
Top Bull: Granite Ridge Quincy Q146SV – SJKQ146
Top Average: $13,661 – Black Angus
Overall Average: $10,585

The heat was certainly turned up is South Australia this year with stud results jumping well above what was expected and setting a competitive target amongst the state.

Commercial buyers certainly upped the ante early at the Granite Ridges February sale, producing the highest priced bull for the state. Granite Ridge Quincy Q146SV (SJKQ146), sold via video auction to Greg Fisher of Clover Ridge Pastoral, Woolumbool, who dug deep and topped the sale at $36,000. Mr Fisher commented, “Aesthetically he has been one of those bulls that stood out from a calf and it has continued through”.

Falling just short of top priced bull was Pathfinder Angus 6 days after the Granite Ridges sale, selling a total of 130 bulls it was Pathfinder Prophet Q400SV (SMPQ400) that made magic happen. Going under the hammer for $29,000, Pathfinder Prophet Q400SV (SMPQ400) boarded the Spirit of Tasmania to be transferred to Trevor and Teresa Hall, Quarterway Angus, TAS. Adding another Pathfinder bull to his herd Mr Hall commented, “He has a tonne of meat and thickness through the hindquarter, back home we could sell bulls like him all day long so hopefully he breeds like that.”

A turn of good fortune after an unfortunate event has got the team at Glatz’z Black Angus grinning from ear to ear, with a total clearance of 59 bulls and a sale average of $13,661, achieving the highest average for SA.

Meanwhile, securing the second highest average was Roseleigh Angus. Bettering their own average standard, they cleared 33 bulls and made a new stud record of $13,272 for average.

Granite Ridge stud’s Joel Stuart, Elders’ Laryn Gogel, buyer Greg Fisher, Clover Ridge Pastoral, and Granite Ridge’s Scott Finlay and ( at front) Clover Ridge’s Scott and Kat Williams and Granite Ridge’s Jamie Kunze with the $36,000 sale topper. Image Stock Journal


Total Sales: 17
Bulls Sold: 823
Top Price: $54,000
Top Bull: Ascot Rebellion R316SV– QQFR316
Top Average: $22,373 – Ascot Angus
Overall Average: $14,154

Queensland studs where definitely putting the best of the best out this year and it shows in the states results. Compared to 2020, the sales and bulls sold numbers were down, but boy oh boy with a top price and a top average like the above no wonder there was overall average increase of 78%!

A top price of $54,000 and an average of $22,373, that’s right you don’t need to go to Specsavers you read it right. Selling their entire catalogue, there was high demand for Ascot Angus bulls and the bull that gained plenty of interest was Ascot Rebellion R316SV (QQFR316). Going under the hammer for $54,000. Miles Paterson, Samuel Holdings, Manumbar Station, Goomeri, secured Ascot Rebellion R316SV (QQFR316) as well as purchasing another 5 Ascot Angus bulls. Creating a new record in Queensland for Angus average, achieving the highest average for Queensland and being the third highest top average Angus in Australia. This year, Jim Wedge, Ascot Principal, said he was ‘stunned’ by the result which he said was a culmination of a lot of hard
work by the Ascot team members and was pleased with the interest.

Bulliac bulls were also in strong demand at their August bull sale, selling 76 bulls for a 100 per cent clearance. Amongst the lots there was a standout bull who pushed the sale to a new Bulliac record top price of $40,000, Bulliac Roger Ramjet R17PV (QPDR17). Purchased by Mark Little, Little Pastoral Pty Ltd, Kolane, Wandoan, it was a no brainer to reinvest in the Bulliac sires after having success with previous Bulliac purchases. Mr Little commented that he really liked his style of him and thought he would suit their commercial herd, an Angus and Santa, Hereford cross, where they try and fatten them to two-and-half-years-old and sell directly to the meatworks.

Another stud record average was broken in early August, Sandon Glenoch set their own record of $16,632 for 100 Angus bulls sold, thus making Sandon Glenoch’s average the second highest for Queensland in 2021.

* please note correction to page 12 of Angus Australia 2022 Summer Bulletin– Jim Wedge, Ascot Principal”

The top price bull for Qld in, 2021 Ascot Rebellion R316SV

New South Wales

Total Sales: 99
Bulls Sold: 5,488
Top Price: $280,000
Top Bull: Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38PV – NMMR38
Top Average: $34,221 – Millah Murrah Angus
Overall Average: $14,654

Another busy year for New South Wales with bull sales conducted around the state increasing by 19%. Many studs seized the opportunity and were cashing in as the sale results started rolling in showing what can only be described as ‘record breaking’.

A stud in the Angus industry that needs no introduction has written their page again in the Australian Angus history books selling Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38PV (NMMR38) for a new record top price of $280,000, sold to Roger Pryce, Brooklana Angus. The records didn’t stop with Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38PV (NMMR38), Millah Murrah Rembrandt R48PV (NMMR48) broke through and sold under the hammer for $240,000 to a syndicate between ABS Australia, JT Angus, Woonallee Simmentals and Whangara Angus, making Millah Murrah Rembrandt R48PV (NMMR48) the second highest selling bull for 2021.

Millah Murrah also hit six figures for a third time when Millah Murrah Rolls Royce R275 fetched $110,000, purchased by Heart Angus in partnership with Hallmark Angus NZ and an undisclosed WA buyer.

A total clearance of 118 bulls sold saw the sale average of Millah Murrahs Bull Sale reach a high of $34,221, making their average an Australian all breeds record average.

Recording the second highest sale average for the year and yet again breaking their own stud record was Milwillah Angus, who sold 106 bulls that were on offer for an average of $25,726, which is up 55% from last years sale average of $16,599.

At the same sale, Milwillah had two bulls top $100,000 when Milwillah Slideshow Q102SV was purchased by Adameluca Angus for $130,000 and Milwillah Blackout Q822PV,
sold for $100,000 to Richard and Lynne Crookes of Yallambee Angus.

Earlier in the selling season, Texas Angus were the first to claim both the Australian Angus Record Price for a HBR Bull sold at auction and the record average at auction for an Angus bull sale when 181 Angus bulls for the record average of $20,967. The sale top price of $225,000 was achieved on Texas Iceman R725 PV when he sold to Robert McKenzie, Macka’s Pastoral Gloucester NSW.


The high selling bull for both NSW and the Angus breed in 2021, Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38PV



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