Members are advised that Angus Australia is currently in a peak period for sale catalogue production which may result in delayed timeframes for receiving catalogues back.

While we would like to be able to adhere to the standard message, ‘Please allow a 7 – 10 working day turn around time for CUSTOMISED and FULL Catalogue design services from the day received at the office. Provided that all information is received and animal registrations are in order, STANDARD catalogues will be turned around within 3 working days,’ in reality during peak production periods there will be delays, as the volume of requests are dealt with.

Members are asked to ensure they are best prepared for their sale catalogue production during peak periods to ensure that they are best placed to avoid missing deadlines for the production and printing of their catalogues.

Members looking to avoid the risk of delays in their catalogues in production are advised to be organised well in advance (that is are your animals all registered and active, have you submitted you DNA and TACE data with enough time, are your comments written etc) to your sale and ensure you are submitting your sale catalogue request form and sale lots together to Angus Australia as soon as possible.

Don’t leave your catalogue to chance and ensure you have allowed for time in advance of your sale to allow your catalogue is processed in your timeframes.

Angus Australia recommends having an extended lead in period (ideally 6-12 weeks) before your sale for submitting your sale catalogue request form, sale lots and any other information to Angus Australia.

All information relating to the Angus Australia sale catalogue services can be found if you CLICK HERE

If you need to discuss anything relating to your sale catalogue production please reach out to either Dzintra Menesis at or Sam Hamilton

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