Where are they now? – Annie Scott

Over the last couple of months we have been looking back at Angus Youth and seeing where they are now!

Recently we caught up with former Angus Youth member Annie Scott to see where she is now.

Make sure you check out the gallery of where are they now images featuring the former Angus Youth members featured in the bulletin series so far!

What is your earliest memory participating in Angus Youth activities?

A long truck ride from Meadow Flat, NSW (near Bathurst) to Hamilton, VIC, in 1996 was my first memory to attend the Roundup. I was so excited but apprehensive about “being a new kid on the block” and how I was going to make friends. Well all those thoughts went out the window with the first round of Barnyard Olympics!! I had fun, laughed heaps and learnt a lot from that point onwards. I was hooked on Angus and everything Angus Youth had to offer. My brother and I had a heifer each, Karoo Wilcoola P1 and Karoo Jedda P2. While we didn’t come home with any ribbons, we came home with a world of experience.

What activity/event stands out to you the most (eg Roundup, leadership clinic, scholarships etc)?

The activities / opportunities that Angus Youth had available to anybody that wanted to grab them with both hands was endless. I would have to say I was most appreciative of winning the Trans-Tasman exchange, following the Armidale Roundup in 1997. The trip to NZ opened my eyes to some great farms, excellent Angus cattle and the most amazing people.

This was followed very closely by the leadership clinics that I attended. They were really challenging and pushed my boundaries, to make me a better person. They helped me greatly with my communication skills, leadership, and most importantly I learnt about teamwork! Although, I would have to say attending many Roundup’s and then becoming Roundup coordinator for the best week in January really stands out. I coordinated about five Roundup’s, under the guidance of Erica Halliday (Steel) and Emma Weatherly, with my faithful friend Jo McLauchlan (Grigg) always there to keep me focussed, these memories still stand out as being particularly important. The network and friendships I have formed can never and will never be replaced.

In terms of opportunities that you received for being part of Angus Youth, how did your involvement positively influence your development in the beef cattle industry?

I believe that if I never attended that first Roundup in VIC, my life probably would have taken a different path. I can’t stress enough the confidence the Angus Youth program instilled in me. The opportunities are endless. Angus Youth reinforced my love of Angus cattle and the beef cattle industry in general. The biggest positive influence is the vast array of people that you meet. The greats within the industry, many of those have been before me in the Angus Youth program, have guided and encouraged my development.

What were the key learnings you developed as a member of Angus Youth, through the program and then the additional scholarship experiences that you had?

As I said on numerous occasions the key learnings would be, encouragement, leadership, learning to organise and prioritise. Teamwork was a big factor we worked on at the leadership clinics and most importantly, the network. Never underestimate the power of the saying “it’s not what you know but who you know”! There are always people willing to help and guide you in the right direction and give meaningful advice and guidance. Take it while you can.

How are you involved in the beef cattle industry now/ where are you now?

My life now is full the brim with Angus cattle, family and friends. Along with my father John, husband Tony and son Riley we run Karoo Angus, located just out of Bathurst in NSW. We have a commercial herd of around 700 breeders and a stud herd of 350 breeders. Our main turn off for the commercial herd is the blue ribbon weaner sale, held in March each year at CTLX. We hold an annual bull sale the first Friday in September each year, selling around 80 bulls and we also sell bulls privately out of the paddock. I love what I do and can’t imagine my life any other way. I am also a committee member of the Angus Australia NSW State Committee and have been President in previous years.

Why would you encourage others to become involved in the Angus Youth Program?

YES, YES and YES. The experience is rewarding and fulfilling. The friendships and knowledge you gain by being part of the Angus Youth program is so valuable. It just makes you a better person!

Annie Scott (nee Reen)

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