We check in with former Angus Youth member Trinity Edwards, as we have been looking back to at Angus Youth and seeing where they are now!
“I have been involved with Angus Youth as a Roundup competitor, an Angus Youth Ambassador and Scholarship winner.
All of these opportunities and experiences have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, enhancing my communication and leadership skills.”
Make sure you check out the gallery of where are they now images featuring the former Angus Youth members featured in the bulletin series so far!
What is your earliest memory participating in Angus Youth activities?
My earliest memory was attending the 2001 Angus Youth Roundup in Hamilton, Vic.
I was 12 years old and notably remember being very excited but somewhat nervous.
However, I quickly found my feet when I met many like-minded people who shared the same passion for the breed and beef industry as I.
I was allocated a ballot heifer from the Taylor family that challenged me, but with encouragement I was able to lead her into the ring and she went on to be sashed junior champion female.
I was given the opportunity to participate in the junior judging competition and publically speak on a microphone for the first time.
I felt overwhelmed and proud to win this contest and it was where my passion for judging beef cattle began.
On reflection I remember how knowledgeable and supportive the Angus Youth committee members and their families were, many who have certainly helped it develop into the very successful event that it is today.
What activity/event stands out to you the most (eg Roundup, leadership clinic, scholarships etc)?
There are so many great opportunities offered by Angus Youth but attending the Angus Youth Roundups and being fortunate enough to represent WA in the 2010 Angus Youth National Judging Competition stands out the most.
As a result of winning the National Judging Competition I was awarded the opportunity to attend the University of Illinois for three months.
Appling for this prestigious scholarship, being interviewed, getting critiqued on my judging skills, to attending the University where I learnt a huge amount about the entire livestock sector was all very rewarding and something I am extremely grateful for.
In terms of opportunities that you received for being part of Angus Youth, how did your involvement positively influence your development in the beef cattle industry?
I have been involved with Angus Youth as a Roundup competitor, an Angus Youth Ambassador and Scholarship winner.
All of these opportunities and experiences have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, enhancing my communication and leadership skills.
I have built up contacts and have had some wonderful mentors, which all continue to positively influence me in the beef and livestock industry.
Along the way I have also made some very close, life long friends.
What were the key learnings you developed as a member of Angus Youth, through the program and then the additional scholarship experiences that you had?
There are many ways Angus Youth has aided me in developing as a person and one particular quality was confidence.
Through the junior judging competitions I have gain confidence to speak publically.
I also learnt the power of teamwork and the importance of communication when people are working together to achieve a particular result.
Applying for the Illinois scholarship increased my resilience to achieve my goals and winning it allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, recognising the endless opportunities that are available in this industry.
How are you involved in the beef cattle industry now/where are you now?
I’m currently employed with Farm Weekly, WA’s leading agricultural newspaper.
I have been fortunate enough to work with this company for more than 10 years as a rural journalist and livestock photographer.
It’s a great job and I’m exposed to many people across the livestock sector, many who have known me for all of my life.
My husband, three young boys and I live on some acreage in Dardanup, WA.
I’m still involved in my family’s seedstock business, Little Meadows Angus.
I’m often the one behind the lens or computer helping with advertisements.
My family loves the farm and every chance we get; we are helping where we can.
Why would you encourage others to become involved in the Angus Youth Program?
Angus Youth not only gives young beef enthusiasts a huge opportunity to travel, get mentored by some of the most knowledgeable people in the beef and agricultural industry, build up a network of contacts, gain close friendships but it is instrumental in helping you learn many life long skills.
Communication, responsibility, resilience and confidence are just some of the leadership skills that are taught and are important in any chosen occupation.
The program encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, gives you endless opportunities in the agricultural industry and allows you to grow as a person.