Viewing Results from your DNA Order

Viewing Results from your DNA OrderBanner

Viewing Results from your DNA Order 

Follow the steps shown on the Tracking your DNA order page to open an order. Results will be available for orders which are either ‘PROCESSING’ or ‘FINALISED’.

1. Navigate to the Pending Test Requests tab by clicking ‘Pending test Requests’.

Based on the stage of completion, your order may contain services listed under Pending Test Requests tab.

Click the ‘Profiles’ tab and select ‘SNP Profiles’to view the results of any SNP testing undertaken.

2. Animals that were tested using SNP technology will be listed under SNP Profile Test Request,

Type – indicates the type of SNP testing undertaken, this will be displayed as an internal code

SNP status – indicating whether testing was successful.

FINALISED indicates samples which have been successfully tested

FAILED indicates samples which have failed testing

Load date – indicates when the samples were loaded onto the Angus Australia database (Results will need to be loaded onto the system before they can be extracted for TACE or GeneProb analysis).

SNP Count – Indicates the number of successful SNPs used in testing. It is important to note, it is not essential that all samples report the same SNP count.

The best analogy for understanding the significant of SNP counts is sowing seeds in a paddock. Whilst its not essential that every seed germinates, you want the majority to germinate and that those that did germinate to be spread out across the whole paddock.

Genetic condition results are display on the ‘Genetic Condition’ tab, click the ‘Genetic conditions’ tab.

3. Animals are listed under ‘Animal ID’ with the associated genetic condition they were tested for listed under ‘Genetic conditions’. As with SNP testing;

Status – indicating whether testing was successful.

FINALISED indicates samples which have been successfully tested

FAILED indicates samples which have failed testing

Results – indicates whether the animal was found to be free or a carrier for the genetic condition.

Load date – indicates the date the results were loaded into the Angus Australia Database (Results will need to be loaded onto the system before they can be extracted for GeneProb analysis).

Click the ‘Results Download’ tab.

4.  The ‘Results Download’ tab contains summary document associated with the order simply click on the document name to download a copy.

Angus Australia acknowledges the funds provided by the Australian Government through the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC).  

This resource was created as a result of a collaboration between Angus Australia and Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC) (Project P.PSH.1063).

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